
150: On Your Why

In last week’s episode, I spoke about what it is you want to create.

In this week’s episode, I speak about your WHY.

Your WHY is incredibly important because if it’s not compelling enough, than when you begin to step out onto your journey towards living deliberately, your lower mind will very likely hold you back, rather than support you in moving forward.

In this episode, I share with you about what I want to create during the Corona virus pandemic and what my WHY is.

Tune in to today’s episode and share what yours is.

149: On Creating

To live a deliberate life, the first thing you need to do is know what your starting point is.

What’s going on in your life that just isn’t working for you or what’s going on that you are less than satisfied with?

It all starts with awareness.

There may be more than once place, but for now, I encourage you to choose just one.

Once you identify that place, the next step is to recognize what it is you want to create.

Rather than asking yourself what it is you want to have, ask yourself what it is you want to create.

(The language you use in living the life you want to life is incredibly important!)

Tune in to today’s episode to learn more about how you can access the “creator” qualities inside of you – and how you actually need to access these qualities if you want to change your life.

*There are about 2 weeks left to the “You are Loved” campaign. Are you going to be receiving the “You are Loved” song to your inbox in about 2 weeks? Make your pledge today!

148: You are Loved

Please tune in to what may my most important episode that I’ll ever broadcast.

If you are a parent, a grandparent, or someone who needs to hear the words, “You are loved,” you don’t want to miss this episode.

Click here to join my campaign to help ensure every child around the world feels loved and worthy!

Thank you.

And I love you.