
165: On Rejection

Getting rejected is a difficult thing.

It can hurt you emotionally and it can hold you back.

But, does it need to?

Is there a way to live deliberately with (and despite of) rejection?

Tune in to this episode of the Living Deliberately podcast to hear some places I got rejected recently and what I chose to do them, and what you can too!

Don’t forget to check out The Living Deliberately Blueprint!

164: On Your Greater Goal

While there may be more than one area of your life you would like to see a change, attempting to create too many changes at the same time may prove to be futile.

Therefore, rather than trying to tackle everything at once, consider creating a long-term “greater goal.”

Having a “greater goal” will help you feel more focused and will help you stay more accountable to your actions, as you effectively and efficiently journey forward towards creating the life you want and creating the life you want to live.

Don’t forget: If you would like support and guidance as you move along your personal journey, reach out to me so we can discuss the various options for getting you started!

163: On Respect

“Respect” was the focus of discussion in this month’s “Living Deliberately Together” on-line gathering.

I prompted those in attendance to reflect upon where respect shows up (or doesn’t show up) in their lives, what respect looks like, and where they want to see more of it in the world.

Tune in to this week’s podcast episode to hear more about that conversation and the interesting unexpected twist that came from it.

I warmly invite you to join me at the next “Living Deliberately Together” gathering next month. Stay in the know via my weekly newsletter and the Living Deliberately Together Facebook group.


162: On Taking 100% Responsibility for Your Life

When things are not going right in your life, it is far easier to blame others, than it is to take 100% responsibility for what’s going on and how you are feeling.

Your lower brain is going to do what it does best: reach for the most efficient and effective way to resolve your situation: which is to say, to blame others.

Yet, blaming doesn’t help your situation. It will only keep you stuck.

Tune into this week’s episode where I share a few of my “stuck on blame” stories and what I did to get unSTUCK and get CLEAR so that I can continue living my life deliberately.


161: On People Pleasing

It’s normal to want to feel liked by others.

Yet, it’s not your responsibility to change yourself for the sake of anyone else.

If someone else is stuck on something you said or did, it’s not your responsibility to get them unSTUCK.

It’s theirs.

But, if you are trying to live deliberately, it is your responsibility to identify who it is you want to be in the world and commit to actually showing up that way.

Are there areas in your life where you find yourself “people pleasing” because you don’t feel comfortable when others don’t seem to like or accept you?

Tune in to hear a personal story that happened in my life recently and how it may inspire you to take a better look at yours.

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