053: Consider Adversity Builds Character
24 Apr 2018

053: Consider Adversity Builds Character

24 Apr 2018

“There was an incident at school today.”

The last thing any parent wants to hear.

I started to feel my heart pounding outside of my body.

And all I wanted to do was protect my son from being scarred for life from this situation.

I was stuck on worry.

But, I got myself unSTUCK by considering, as difficult as it was to consider, that maybe this situation may strengthen my son. I considered that maybe adversity may build character.

Do you have someone in your life going through a rough patch? Can you, too, consider (maybe?) that adversity may build character – instead of staying stuck in worry, like I did?

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    Jo kaplan April 24th, 2018 5:53AM

    Hi Shira
    Just some reflections that may or may not be useful after listing to the podcast this morning:

    Firstly, I definitely agree with adversity strengthening character but sometimes in order for this to do so, it often needs to be underpinned by support and understanding. Your son had a life lesson he will probably never forget but this was from a base of love and security which will allow him the opportunity to grow from it.

    He probably also knows that ‘you have his back’ and will deal with the school, parents etc to prevent future incidents. Not all of us are fortunate to come from such a base and therefore these incidents can be life transforming for some. What if these incidents were to continue daily or repeatedly with no support and no action or repercussions?They have the potential and power to destroy ‘for life’ and incident upon incident could build a whole wall of fear and bondage to protect oneself.

    This is where you see so many people that could benefit from releasing themselves from this self imposed emotional bondage if they only knew how, had the awareness or even thought it was possible. Or even had awareness/access to STUCK method.

    Your STUCK method can be applied and widely used in so many circumstances to enable a release of emotional freedom that could benefit people worldwide, create better understanding and improve fractured relationships amongst all nations. But it’s hard work, frightening and needs courage.

    Personally, I am learning so much from you and my mantra at the moment is ‘it will all work out fine!’

    Continue your great work with and for others 👍❤️

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    shirataylorgura April 24th, 2018 6:20AM

    Thank you, Jo! I greatly appreciate your response! Yes, I agree with all your points, especially with getting this work (The STUCK Method) more out there to the world. I am building a course now and will be sharing it on the podcast next week. I hope that whomever is looking or needs such a course in their lives, will be able to access it, learn from it, internalize it, and make the changes they need to start making changes in their lives.
    I am so glad you are receiving so much from this process and I love your mantra!
